Saturday, 19 March 2011

Tutorial 4: Video production session

My involvement in the first movie production of 30 seconds was achieved by following the instruction given in class. Patrina, Katy, Lisa, Lyn and I were part of the group. We had to choose a letter from the alphabet and send a message to the audience by acting and not using any language.

We decided to use the letter S and our first hint was created by a letter S on the ground made up by Patrina, Lyn and I.  Lisa and Katy were filming us. We wanted the audience to guess what we were doing. The movie was modified with a movie maker and was enhanced with special effects and music. It was real fun working with the group.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Izabela. A good start to your blog. What examples could you provide in tutorial one (see technical worksheet) to demonstrate the occupational therapy link with the definitions? Hilary:)
